
Editors: Rebecca Morgan & Ken Braly

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SNN Webcast Info

Tuesday, October 22
How to Build, Monetize and Protect Your
Intellectual Property with *Proprietary* AI
with Jeffrey Gitomer, CPAE

Jeffrey GitomerThe new world of AI is getting us to look at the materials we have published — articles, blog posts, and more — in a new way. If somebody can post a question to ChatGPT, and ChatGPT uses our intellectual property in formulating its answer, how are we protected?

On the other hand, what if we could establish AI’s access to our materials, and we could control how people could then view it?

In our next program, Jeffrey Gitomer will explain how he has put AI to work for him in this way.

Read more about this session at the bottom of this newsletter, then register for the live program or pre-order the recording.

Note: Everyone who registers for the live webcast session or orders the recording will get a link to the recorded video of the online webcast, as well as the audio MP3 for convenient re-listening.

Miscellaneous Tips

Adding tags helps your AI resultsCher Holton

I have used AI for lots of projects (jazzing up introductions and bios, getting lists of ideas, creating a safety requirements list for a retreat, writing inspiration, etc.) and recently came across this article, which describes the power of adding tags to improve your results. The article is easy and quick to read, and gives specific examples that have instantly improved my results. Enjoy (and remember, with AI you always need to edit and fact-check!)

Clarification on using Olympic symbols in articlesMakana Risser Chai

I clarified with Bill Honaker about using Olympic symbols in articles, slides, etc. He said that it can be OK as long as you use a licensed image (e.g., from Shutterstock), and you are referring to it only and not suggesting that you are endorsed by or licensed by the Olympic committee.

Speakers must make stories part of their brandVickie Sullivan

In the good old days, if you had a compelling personality and cool stories, you would be a favorite pick as a motivational speaker. Alas, those days are gone.

Here’s why: As those types of speakers became increasingly popular, tales of resilience and triumph flooded the market. CEOs turned consultants and authors promoting books jumped on the story bandwagon. Soon after, speakers with riveting narratives were working for nearly free.

Does that mean if you have a great backstory, you’re relegated to the free zone? Nope, not if you can differentiate yourself. Here are two ways you can do that:

  • Prominence: Stories that have big media coverage get extra value because the attention can generate more media excitement and increase attendance. Speakers who want to get paid more than $7,500 must boost their prominence.
  • Platform: Now that stories are ubiquitous, event planners are picky. They want a story that has a message that resonates with the audience. Think about it: Filmmaker Tyler Perry used his story to build his empire based on forgiveness. The same dynamic works on a smaller scale. So, use the story as context for a bigger message.

A lot of speakers depend on their background and adventures to get speaking invites. The marketplace has changed. Now your story must be part of an overall brand that brings unique value to the event. Proceed accordingly.

Travel Tips

To recline or not to reclineSusan Friedmann

Interesting article, “When to Recline and How to Share Armrests: Rules for Avoiding a Mid-Flight Row” about attitudes on sharing arm rests and seat reclines.

Google Flights extension lists cash and award ratesRebecca Morgan

Points Path is a no-cost web browser extension that shows award rates next to cash prices in Google Flights and indicates the better option for both one-way and round-trip itineraries. Once you select an itinerary, you can book a paid rate as you typically would with Google Flights or redeem an award directly with the airline loyalty program.

Requests for Info / Advice

Alternative to TripIt?Ann Wylie

How do you organize your travel plans? TripIt used to build itineraries when I forwarded emailed bookings. It’s just stopped working. Can you recommend an app that consistently imports emails to build itineraries?

Topic of the Month (TOTM) — Your Input Wanted

Our TOTM is: Have you seen post-pandemic changes in your bookings by months? (Example, you used be slammed in Sept. and Oct., but now June is your top month.) If so, what do you attribute the changes to?

Send your brief, pithy responses *that are different from those previously mentioned* to editor@SpeakerNetNews.com. Please put “Topic of the Month” or “TOTM” in the subject line.

JJ DiGeronimo

Yes, I have seen more last-minute bookings (3–6 weeks from event dates) with less budget but quick payment and great audience engagement. If my schedule is free, I accept the invite as I get so much energy and momentum from in-person events!

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SpeakerNet News Webcast Info

Tuesday, October 22
How to Build, Monetize and Protect Your
Intellectual Property with *Proprietary* AI
with Jeffrey Gitomer, CPAE

Jeffrey GitomerAre you concerned that ChatGPT can integrate your published intellectual property into the answers it gives to your competition? You want to make your information available, but in a system you control.

Would you like your clients — or anyone — to access all you’ve created, either for a fee or free?

Would you like to access all your materials in one database, so you can put together new books, courses, and other products?

Jeffrey has built an AI platform that he uses for both these purposes. He sells access to his followers by subscription.

Would you like to better understand how you, too, can do this? Jeffrey will explain how he did it.

You will learn:

  • the pros and cons of a private searchable intellectual property platform
  • your options
  • how to start
  • how much to budget
  • pitfalls to avoid
  • the value to you
Register for the live program or order the recording.
Note: Everyone who registers for the live webcast session or orders the recording will get a link to the recorded video of the online webcast, as well as the audio MP3 for convenient re-listening.

Date: Tuesday, October 22
Time: 7:00 pm Eastern, 6 pm Central, 5 pm Mountain, 4 pm Pacific
 (Enter your location here to get your local time)
Length: 60 minutes
Cost: $49 (webcast)

Special Limited-Time Offer:

If you would like more ideas on building a sustainable business, we’re suggesting the recordings of several earlier programs to complement this program:

  • “Becoming a Highly Referable Speaker” with Andrew Davis
  • “Building a Book of Business with Staying Power” with Ed Robinson, CSP

With your order of this live or recorded session, at checkout you will be offered these recordings.

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