SpeakerNet News Compilations
Web Site Copywriters
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Here is a compilation of the responses that I got to my request for copy writers for my Web site.
I ultimately selected Patrice Rhodes-Baum in Colorado Springs - 719/685-1828. She rewrote my home page, the seminars page and my about page. I am very pleased with the results. Patrice is easy to work with, she listens, asks the right questions and works quickly.
-- Rebecca Morgan
I've used Barbara McNichol for other persuasive writing projects, so you may want to talk to her. Editor@BarbaraMcNichol.com
-- Melanie Benson Strick
I worked with Lorrie Morgan Ferrero of Red-Hot-Copy.com and she is phenomenal. She also has mentees who work with her.
-- Kare Anderson
I strongly recommend Cheri Hanson, clhanson@telusplanet.net, 604/732-3016. She is someone who's worked with several authors and speakers. She can step into your "voice" and make the copy sparkle -- and she is adept and smart. Based in Vancouver, B.C. I met her through speaker and author Lisa Johnson... after reading Lisa's book and newsletter where she involves Cheri.
-- Ron Jasniowski
I use Gary Gilpin 847/255-4904.
-- Kathy Eubanks
There is a great firm in our area, Shazaaam, LLC. They did not do the copy for my Web site but when I am ready to update mine, they will be doing it for me.
-- Meredith Hamilton
I highly recommend Robert Warren at www.rswarren.com.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions