SpeakerNet News Compilations
Web Designer Recommendations
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Can anyone recommend a designer for all of their web graphic elements including website, blog, Facebook fan page, etc.?
Note that this question was also addressed in 2008 and 2003.
— Kathleen Burns Kingsbury
Sage Hill Design did my website and they were great to work with!
— Martha Legare
I have a fabulous web strategist/designer: Annie Wolock with Keystone Media. (keystonemedia.net, 734/997-3000) in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She does a range of industries but is particularly focused in the consulting/ training/ speaking world. She often works with the national OD network.
Two caveats: 1) please do not judge her by our current website (which she did in 2002); we are in the process of revision as I write. 2) I am biased, because Annie has become a personal friend over the years — she has been a delight to work with: clear and articulate about how important the right business strategy is in determining how the web design needs to be crafted. I believe this is the 4th website she is designing for us and we couldn’t be happier.
— Alex Brown
I strongly recommend Trisha Cupra (trishacupra.com) for web graphic design. She specializes in WordPress sites, and really takes the time to understand your message and your brand before creating a graphic style for you. When I last worked with her, she helped me a lot on my visual branding, and I was able to use her graphics in my business cards and other marketing materials. I am doing a branding update with her now.
— Cheryl Callighan
I would highly recommend Ronda Taylor (TaylorByDesign.com). She does fabulous work, everything from web site design, blog, Facebook, business branding and book covers.
— Ken Braly
I recommend Ned Buratovich, ImagiNedWebDesign.com, 408/892-4754. He’s creative, and affordable.
— Manisha Thakor
Shalon Ironroad (S@ShalonIronroad.com, shalonironroad.com, 701/213-4721) is a fantastic young woman just getting starting working for herself (previously she’s done all this stuff for other companies). She’s a total dynamo on graphics and all social media. I’ve known her for over year and she’s a super hard worker, has a natural head for business, and is honest as the day is long. I believe she is charging $30/hr.
— Davida Yemi-Akanle
Try Markflint.co.uk
— Diana Schneidman
I heartily recommend Julie Winsberg (bluegreenrainbowdesigns.com). Not only is she very talented, but she loves her work and it shows. A top-notch artist who works well collaboratively. Really responsive and keeps you posted on status of your project. She’s in Evanston, IL
— Karen Wright
I’m a fan of Sandy Gibson of Breezy Hill Designs in ME (sandy@breezyhilldesigns.com, breezyhilldesigns.com, 866/716-1010). She designed my site and hosts it. She’s got a great team and has grown significantly in the past 9 years that I’ve been using her. She’s one of those rare individuals who “gets you” intuitively and can turn that “gut feel” into graphics and web presence. She’s search engine savvy and stays on top of all the latest web technology.
— Susan Gamel Otto
My web designer is excellent. His name is Brett Atkin (brett@brettatkin.com, brettatkin.com).
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions