SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
InfoGuru Marketing: Leveraging What You Know
to Attract All the Clients You Can Handle
Guest Expert:
Robert Middleton
(About Robert)
How to order the recording:
Additional resources for this seminar:
- Book chapter -- (PDF, 64K)
The Program:
Marketing often feels like a struggle. You are always trying to convince someone that you are the right person for the job. You are trying to GET clients. The problem is, trying to GET clients is a strategy that is ultimately doomed to failure. Your prospects don’t want to be GOTTEN. That’s why you may experience so much resistance and rejection.
Robert Middleton of Action Plan Marketing urges his clients to give up GETTING and start GIVING in a strategy he calls “InfoGuru Marketing.” The InfoGuru Marketing Principle is based on the idea that we, as experts or “gurus” in our given fields, can leverage what we know by giving away information as our primary marketing strategy. InfoGurus have mastered the art of sharing just enough of what they know to entice prospective clients to ask and pay for more.
In this teleseminar you’ll learn the core principles of being an InfoGuru Marketer and start attracting all the clients you can handle. Everyone who signs up for this teleseminar will receive the first chapter from Robert’s new online book, The InfoGuru Marketing Manual.
You will learn:
- What information you can give away absolutely free
- How much you can give away and what you must hold back
- How to create a huge qualified list of products by giving away one simple thing
- When to end the giving and start the selling (without their noticing)
- How to recruit others who will gladly help you give your information away
- How to tap into the principles of Selfishness, Familiarity, Resonance and Reciprocity
- The fundamentals of the “Perpetual Marketing Machine”
More about our guest expert:
From Robert’s bio:
I’ve been self employed most of my working life. Helping people market their businesses didn’t come as an academic calling but as a strategy for survival. In 1984 I started to teach what I’d learned to small businesses to help them survive as well. In the past 14 years I’ve had some great success stories.
I’ve always tried to stick to one key principal: emphasize practical strategies and tactics that people can actually use to attract new clients. I also do my best to practice what I preach. My marketing efforts bring me all the business I can handle. My goal is to show you how you can do that as well (without spending a fortune).
About half of my business is consulting/coaching and the other half is designing service business web sites. I concentrate on the area I really know: service business marketing.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions