You’ve heard of colleagues licensing their material, but you’re not sure exactly how to do that? Hear from someone who has done it dozens of times and made more than a million dollars licensing intellectual assets. Find out how to do it, what’s included, and what to watch out for. Mitch will explain how to leverage your intellect, license your materials, and boost your income. Improve your ability to bump (upsell), bundle (package products and services to license), bargain (negotiate the best deals), and back-end (boost active, passive and residual income).
You will learn how to:
- Attract companies primed to license your intellectual assets
- Develop an irresistible value proposition that companies will buy
- Get to the decision-makers with authority who can write checks
- Find companies that will pay for your product development and duplication
- Have clients engage you to consult, train and license your materials back to them
- Leverage the leverage — open doors to more ready buyers (including their competition)
Mitchell Axelrod is founder of Axelrod & Associates, a business consulting firm, and Axelrod Learning, a publisher of business and life skills training, workshops and materials. Consulting and speaking since 1978, Mitch has presented more than 3,000 seminars, workshops, lectures, keynotes and clinics to one million people from 30 countries on business, sales, marketing, entrepreneurship, parenting, life skills and living spiritually in a material world.
Mitch consults with Fortune 500 corporations, banks, insurance companies, small businesses and individuals on how to increase sales and profits, and derive more fun, fulfillment and satisfaction from work. Mitch teaches technologies and shares philosophies for people to enrich life, enhance livelihood, and earn a more prosperous living.
The Axelrod Learning library of books, special reports, seminars, audio and video tapes, workbooks, courses and training programs are used by tens of thousands of people in the U.S. and 25 countries around the world. Mitch’s selling skills course has the distinction as the only one in the world approved by the legal departments at Prudential and Met Life.
Mitch’s book, The NEW Game of Business was published in 2004. Mitch is a master of The NEW Game — he has been applying New Game principles and strategies in his business and with his clients for a quarter century.