SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Are You Thinking Big Enough?
How to Have Your Own TV Show, Write
Bestselling Books, and Sell Truckloads of Products
Guest Expert:
Chris Widener
(About Chris)
How to order the recording:
The Program:
Would you like to know how to sell over $100,000 a month of audio programs through Costco, Sam’s Club, Borders, and Barnes and Noble? How about having your own nationally broadcast television show? Receive a six-figure advance from a major publisher? Sell $20,000-$100,000 a month back-of-room? Chris Widener has accomplished all of these, in addition to having been the co-host, along with Zig Ziglar, of the nationally broadcast television show, “True Performance.” He shares how he made these things happen and how you can follow his steps. He says he does one important thing that nearly no other speakers, trainers and consultants do to set things like the above in motion.
You will learn:
- The key behind all of Chris’ enormous successes.
- How you can get foot in the door to make big things happen.
- What you can do to add another $30,000 to your bottom line in the next year.
- How you can sell into the big warehouse and bookstores.
- How you can get your own TV show.
More about our guest expert:
Chris has been speaking professionally since 1988 and has shared the stage with top political figures, nationally known television news anchors, best-selling authors, and professional athletes. He has spoken on motivation and leadership to groups at some of America’s finest organizations such as General Electric, Cisco Systems, and the Harvard Business School.
Chris has written over 400 articles and 8 books and has produced over 30 audio programs on leadership and motivation. A recent book is Building a Six-Figure Sales Career: How to Develop the Four Golden Pillars of Sales Success. Chris Widener’s e-zine has subscribers in 105 countries, making it one of the world’s most widely distributed newsletters on success and leadership. Chris was also the co-host, along with Zig Ziglar, of the nationally televised show “True Performance.”
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions