SpeakerNet News Webinars
Add Webinars to Your Services:
They’re Easier Than You Think
Guest Expert:
Dave Paradi
(About Dave)
How to order the recording:
Additional resources for this seminar:
- Resource list for webinars
- When you purchase the recording, you will be emailed a link where you can view the recorded webinar in your browser.
The Program:
Webinars are the hot service for speakers, trainers and consultants. Corporate clients, organizations and associations deliver training and information over the Web, so you need to know how to expand your offerings using this medium. Webinars (Web-based seminars), sound like they are complicated, but with some basic information and guidance, even techno-neophytes can add these to their services with little effort. You can get paid well to deliver a virtual presentation globally from the comfort of your home or office.
This session was delivered as a webinar, and you will be able to view the video, so you get to experience what a webinar audience will see and hear. Whether you have previously conducted webinars, only attended one or never been involved with this delivery mechanism, Dave provides his trademark “practical, not technical” advice to help you determine how webinars can work for you.
What you will learn:
- What a webinar is and how it is different from a teleseminar
- What equipment or services you need to hold a webinar and how to pick from the many services out there
- How to price and sell a webinar, publicly or in-house
- How to set up and deliver a webinar for maximum effectiveness
- What other services you can offer with this technology
Note: If you order the MP3 or CD, you will receive a link to download a video capture of the program so you can follow along on your computer as if you were attending live.
More about our guest expert:
Dave Paradi has been delivering webinars for clients, associations and publicly, including a webinar for Office Depot that had 3,700 registered for it. Dave was part of the team that helped launch webinars for the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers and has hosted webinars for others speakers. He has also leveraged his webinars into demo video clips, video products and an eBook. His expertise in helping presenters strategically use PowerPoint visuals to enhance their presentations led him to develop expertise in presenting over the Web as clients started using this technology.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions