SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Copywriting Secrets for Infopreneurs:
The Right Words Can Help You Sell
a Lot More Speeches, Services and Products!
Guest Expert:
David Garfinkel
(About David)
How to order the recording:
Additional resources for this seminar:
- When you purchase the recording, you will get a link to download the handout.
The Program:
How do you make a good lasting first impression and set the stage for a big contract, or sell products and services directly from your Web site? The answer is: By writing copy that leads your prospects in precisely the direction you want them to go.
Now more than ever, the written word is of paramount importance to get you new business. There are many reasons this is so, but let’s start with the most obvious one: everyone Googles you before they do anything else!
In this teleseminar, David Garfinkel offers you a bevy of shortcuts, tricks of the trade, and powerful response-generating copywriting secrets to help you thrive online ... and everywhere else where you need to persuade with the written word.
You will learn:
- how to write “must buy” sales copy for your Web site and one-sheets
- to use key persuasive words throughout your copy without going overboard
- how to draw your prospect in to your pitch so they are compelled to act
- what to avoid that will immediately turn off prospects
- two little-used techniques that massively bolster credibility and ensure a higher sales conversion rate
More about our guest expert:
David Garfinkel is founder of The World Copywriting Institute, author of Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich, and co-author of six other books, including the audiobook Guerrilla Copywriting with co-author Jay Conrad Levinson.
David has received wide acclaim for his unusual ability to teach money-making copywriting skills to people who think of themselves as neither writers nor marketers. He also provides exclusive mentoring services for other top professional copywriters. Many of the world’s top marketers who are not copywriters also seek David’s advice.
In 1996, after a full day of paid consultation to members of the prestigious Speakers Roundtable, David was unanimously invited to return the following day to give more instruction and critiques.
David has been featured in The Wall St. Journal, The New York Times News Service, USA Today and Sales and Marketing Management. He is publisher of the World Copywriting Newsletter and the World Copywriting Blog. He’s a popular speaker at business conferences and a successful, experienced creator and promoter of high-value infoproducts.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions