SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
The Art of Saying What You Do
So People Actually Want to Know More
Guest Expert:
Brian Walter, CSP, CPAE
(About Brian)
How to order the recording:
Additional resources for this seminar:
Brian provided a detailed handout for his session. When you purchase the recording, we will email you a link for downloading the handout.
The Program:
It happens on airplanes. At cocktail parties. At business events. Every week you are repeatedly asked the single most opportunity-laden and awkward open-ended question you ever hear in your professional life: “What do you do?” The embarrassing truth is deep down most speakers fear that question. A question that should be professionally energizing is actually a source of huge stress and ineffectiveness.
Why? Because according to Brian ... most people suck at it. In fact, even the “experts” who teach you how to share your theoretically audible logo/defining statement/brand positioning/elevator speech have got it wrong. Many are actually telling you to do the very things that will take an interested listener and send them running away from you (not compelling them to want to know more about you). Brian’s method is different — so much so we’ve never heard anyone else share such solid wisdom on this topic. His ideas just work: people will want to hear more about what you do, who you are, and how you could help them or their connections.
If you want to turn those initial 5 seconds after “What do you do?” into a golden opportunity to get gobs of business, don’t miss this session. In Brian’s SNN teleseminar you’ll experience a completely contrarian approach to crafting your answer so that it does exactly what you want.You will:
- Learn exactly why your current response to “what do you do?” is likely turning AWAY prospects
- Make the shift to progressively revealing what you do in a dialogue instead of a self-defeating monologue of “marketing speak”
- Adopt a powerful three-part formula that will make your answer — and you — compelling and memorable
- Be introduced to five advanced “For example ...” formats to conversationally communicate the impact of your services on clients
More about our guest expert:
Brian is a unique blend of consultant, speaker, writer, producer and humorist. His passion is helping companies maximize the use of meetings, executive presentations, training, videos, newsletters, and live interaction to substantially impact business outcomes and “live” their brands.
Brian works with clients to manage their internal messages and amplify their brand story. He creates customized strategies and “Extreme Meeting” formats to reinforce top corporate priorities and change unproductive employee beliefs.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions