SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
How to Attract All the Clients You Need,
Make More Money and Have More Time Off
Guest Expert:
Fabienne Fredrickson
(About Fabienne)
How to order the recording:
The Program:
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed in building your client base and keeping your pipeline FULL? Do you wish you had a simpler process to get lots of clients without pushing so hard? Are you frustrated at how much you are making?
Many people are very good at what they do, but lack the real-life marketing skills that bring in a consistent stream of new clients. Worse, they become overwhelmed with the sheer number of things they need to do to keep their speaking and consulting practice consistently humming along. For many, this means working long hours, while not making a lot.
Fabienne Fredrickson, founder of Boldheart.com, developed The Client Attraction SystemTM to teach others exactly how to use marketing to their advantage and start making more money in their own business, while having more time off.
In this practical, info-rich teleseminar you will learn to:
- Break down the marketing process into easy-to-implement steps
- Use the secrets of PULL marketing to get clients effortlessly
- Determine which target market will yield more revenue quickly
- Get clients who will pay you what you’re worth
- Create your own simple marketing action plan to start seeing results fast
- Put all your marketing efforts on auto-pilot to create results quickly and while having fun!
- Make sure your mindset is always set for success
More about our guest expert:
Fabienne Fredrickson is founder of www.Boldheart.com and creator of The Client Attraction SystemTM, the most complete client attraction training program for private practices and small businesses.
Using the principles she now teaches worldwide, Fabienne went from a mediocre private practice to one that was bursting at the seams, in less than 8 months. She did it again with a second practice a year later, again filling it to capacity in 8 months.
Fabienne is author of The Leveraged Business and a contributing author of the bestseller Wake Up ... Live The Life You Love: Finding Your Life’s Passion, Edition 2, co-written with Anthony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Brian Tracy and “Millionaire Mentor” Gregory Scott Reid.
She is also the author of two home-study systems: “The Client Attraction Home Study SystemTM” and “The Secrets of Master Networkers Manual.”
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions