SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Keep ’Em Engaged and Attentive:
Having Effective Interactivity in Every Program
Guest Expert:
Izzy Gesell, CSP
(About Izzy)
How to order the recording:
Additional resources for this seminar:
- Handout -- (PDF, 160K)
The Program:
No one likes to admit that their audiences’ attention may wane, but it does. So how do you keep them engaged, attentive, and learning your key points? Get them actively involved.
People learn best through experiential involvement. It not only cements key points, but it can enable listeners to look beneath their surface behavior and into the underlying beliefs that create that behavior. Activities lead to instructional moments because the way people participate is very much like the way they respond to real-life situations with similar emotional content.
The challenge is to know what activities to use, when to use them, or even whether to use them at all. We may be unsure about using activities, or have clients who see interactive learning as “silly” or a “waste of time.”
Understanding the how’s and why’s of adding interactivity to your toolbox will increase your value to the client, the interest level of your participants, and your confidence and enjoyment — as well as boost repeat and referral business.
You will learn:
- why bother using participatory activities
- why interactivity is more than just Q and A
- where to use it in your program
- tips and tactics for becoming more comfortable using activities
- how to use key debrief questions to maximize impact and value for participants
- dealing with objections or disruptions
- resources for successful interactivity
More about our guest expert:
Izzy Gesell, CSP is an “organizational alchemist” who helps individuals and organizations transform their thinking from commonplace to extraordinary. Through keynotes, breakouts, coaching and facilitated sessions, Izzy offers imaginative, intuitive and immediately useful insights and programs. He delivers meaningful material in an enjoyable way.
Among the first to use Improv Theater concepts as tools for personal and organizational learning, he is the author of Playing Along: Group Learning Activities Borrowed from Improvisation Theater, a co-author of Humor Me: America’s Funniest Humorists on the Power of Laughter, and a contributor of a chapter on improvisation as a facilitation tool in the IAF Group Facilitators Handbook.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions