SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Mastering the Name Game:
Create Powerful Names
for Books, Speeches, or Companies
Guest Expert:
Alexandra Watkins, Eat My Words
(About Alexandra)
How to order the recording:
The Program:
A catchy name can draw instant attention to your book, speech or company. But the wrong name can send the wrong message, confuse people, and even annoy them. How can you create powerful names that get you noticed and get people talking? How can you improve on the names you’re already using? How can you create one name that can be expanded across everything you do?
Alexandra Watkins, founder of the national naming firm Eat My Words, has created hundreds of clever names. She shares her secrets for creating winning names and gives you practical tips and resources that you can apply the next time you name anything from a book to a baby.
You will learn:
- the most common naming mistakes and how to avoid them
- why the Internet has changed the rules of naming
- how a name can generate buzz and revenue
- how to monetize your name and have people pay you to advertise your product
- how to get more mileage out of your name by creating a name with “legs”
- how to create and evaluate any name with the Eat My Words® SMILE and SCRATCHTM test
- where to get free creative help online
More about our guest expert:
Alexandra Watkins, founder of Eat My Words, is a naming maven. Some of the brands she’s created include a frozen yogurt chain called Spoon Me, a home cleaning robot named Neato, and an online social investing network named Cake Financial.
Her creative work has won numerous awards including a Clio and Communication Arts award for Dockers.com, One Show pencil for Logitech.com and a host of direct marketing accolades, including multiple Caples awards for her efforts on Microsoft, 3Com, Intel and more. In 2005 she vowed never to work on technology or Web sites again and decided to sink her teeth into what she really loves to do — naming, ads and ideation for food and beverage clients.
When she’s not working, she’s globetrotting. She has traveled to six continents, 30 countries, and from Bali to Zanzibar and everywhere in between. After she got her passport stamped (or stolen) in all the places that begin with a “Z” (Zambezi, Zimbabwe, Zambia), she started looking for more adventure, which she found plenty of in her recent trip to Libya and Egypt. Her travels are documented in an art installation containing of one of the world’s largest collections of floating action pens.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions