The old publishing model is nearly dead for most authors. Finding an agent, then a publisher, then waiting 18-24 months for the book to be produced is way too long for entrepreneurs who can sell their book to their clients, in the back of the room and on the Internet.
But for your book to sell well and be positively received, you don’t just format it in Word and duplicate it at Kinko’s. You need to understand the nuances of creating a book that looks like it’s from a big publisher, even if you’re on a tight budget.
Elaine Floyd has produced top-selling books herself; she also has two titles published with major publishers. She’s learned that self-publishing is the best way for speakers, trainers and consultants to get their message to their market, as well as make more money. Lots more money. People began flocking to her to ask her advice as she seemed to have unlocked the magic formula for producing high-quality books and selling thousands of them. She began to consult with others who wanted to duplicate her success. She now helps clients create books that drive business.
You will learn:
- how to create a system for selling not just one book, but a series
- why your book must exceed the standards of major publishers
- the three critical components to making your book a success and what most self-publishers skip — to their book’s detriment
- key components of a jump-off-the-shelf cover
- internal layout tips that separate “home-made” from professional
- how to decide between soft- and hard-cover
Elaine Floyd maximizes value to her consulting clients through her unique experience of having been commercially published, self-published and, through her EFG imprint, commercially publishing the works of other authors.
As an information products creator for over 20 years, she helps her clients achieve a competitive edge by combining her direct knowledge of publishing with trends in the book industry to develop publishing systems and strategies.
Together, she’s sold almost half a million books. Elaine’s work has been featured in AdWeek, The New York Times, Good Morning America, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Inc. Magazine, Better Homes & Gardens and on The Today Show. Her work has been sold to Walmart, major book and craft stores, libraries, catalogs, Doubleday Business Book Club, seminar companies and international publishers for translation into languages such as Russian and Chinese.