SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Building a Brand New Keynote from the Ground Up
Guest Expert:
George Walther, CSP, CPAE
(About George)
How to order the recording:
The Program:
Suppose you’ve been presenting acclaimed business seminars for years or decades, and then one day your gut screams out that you must follow your true passion and radically transform your work to become an inspirational keynoter.
You think a very seasoned speaker just waltzes out on stage with a completely new keynote? No way! Where do you start? How do you craft this new talk? Whose help should you seek? How do you assess the risks and rewards? What precarious pitfalls and marketing mistakes must you avoid?
George Walther, CSP, CPAE has earned acclaim for his business presentations through decades of hard, deliberate work. Recently, he decided to create a new presentation rooted more deeply from his heart and not based on anything he’d done before. It was a surprisingly difficult process for someone who’s been speaking professionally for over 25 years.
See a demo on YouTube of this new talk.
If you are curious about how you might adapt what he went through, George explains exactly what he did to develop an entirely new keynote that took two years to create. He unveils the precise creative process that brought his new presentation to life.
You will learn:
- How to know when you should listen to your gut and transform your old topic, even though you love delivering it and your audiences dig you.
- The three questions you must ask yourself now, and the honest answers that will lead you to the new topic you should be talking about.
- The step-by-step process George used, starting with a blank flipchart page and a key brutal breakthrough insight, …refining the outline, …testing the waters, …adding drama, props, and humor, …and finally unveiling the ever-evolving latest production.
- How to secure professional help in crafting your new program. George will explain exactly how he has benefited (and hasn’t) from speech coaches and humor consultants.
- The “creativity continuum” and how to decide where you want to play on it. (One extreme upsets people, but gets you noticed. The other never annoys anyone…and blends you in with the mass of mediocrity. So, where should you be?)
- Whose candid feedback you must get, and how to get it. (The worst questions to ask are the ones everybody else asks. There’s a simple secret to getting colleagues, bureaus, and audiences to tell you what they really think.)
- The biggest blunders George made in creating, marketing, and delivering this new keynote, how each has contributed to the topic’s success, and how you can avoid them.
More about our guest expert:
George Walther, CSP, CPAE has been known for years as a business authority with sales, marketing, and communication books and audio/video programs popular around the world...but is now a keynoter with an absolutely unique presentation. He’s the only speaker out there who is a direct descendant of a famous American cannibal and who has also vagabonded through 99 countries…so far.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions