SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Keep Your Phone Ringing in Tough Times:
Using Referrals to Drive Business
Guest Expert:
Joanne Black
(About Joanne)
How to order the recording:
Additional resources for this seminar:
- Keep Your Phone Ringing — (PDF)
- No Such Thing as a Warm Call — (PDF)
The Program:
The economy is lagging and dragging. Most speakers, trainers and consultants around the world have felt the effects. Clients are cutting travel, training, meetings, marketing, and any discretionary expense items. Many budgets are frozen. Ouch! So what do you do to make your phone ring?
What if you could reach your market without incurring any hard costs? The only cost is simply your time and referrals budget — your time to ask for referrals! When a qualified prospect is referred, the close rate is often more than 50 percent. Some see numbers as high as 90 percent. That means for every 10 qualified prospects, we get at least 5 new clients. Additionally, we are pre-sold. Our selling time decreases. Credibility increases. And, we ace out the competition.
Turn more than 50 percent of your contacts into clients, work less, increase your revenue, reduce your stress and get appreciative, cooperative clients who will be delighted to refer you. Find out how to get hot sales leads without cold calling. Get that treasured introduction to people you want to meet and who want to meet you, close more business faster, and make an immediate impact on your business’ bottom line.
When the pipeline starts to dry up and our anxiety level goes through the roof, many of us think that since there’s nothing we can do, so we should just do nothing. But “nothing” is futile thinking.
Don’t let the lagging economy trickle down on you. Take charge and make your phone ring again!
You will learn:
- Why referrals are common sense, but not common practice
- The 5 action steps to make referrals work every single day
- The 1 thing that stops us from asking for referrals
- Which clients you want to attract and retain (and which types you want to avoid)
- Two new criteria for identifying your ideal client
- The 3 ways to identify your best referral sources
- The proven, step-by-step process to ask for referrals
- The role of networking in building referrals
- Six traps to avoid
Listen and learn the steps to build your referral business and land more clients!
More about our guest expert:
America’s leading authority on referral selling and founder of No More Cold Calling®, Joanne Black helps salespeople, sales teams, and business owners get more referrals and attract more business fast without increasing costs.
Joanne is the author of No More Cold Calling™: The Breakthrough System That Will Leave Your Competition in the Dust (2006 Warner Business). In this groundbreaking book, Joanne teaches you how to hit your numbers without hitting the phones, with less sweat and with results you can bank on.
Some of Joanne’s views are contrarian, and in the established school of traditional sales, considered heretical thinking. But for Joanne Black, and her clients, the only smart approach to client acquisition is referral selling.
Joanne is a member of the National Speakers Association/Northern California Chapter. A captivating speaker and an innovative seminar leader, Joanne regularly speaks at sales and incentive meetings, sales conferences, and association meetings. She is changing the business of sales.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions