SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Increase Your Business NOW
by Dialing for Relationships
Guest Expert:
Jim Mathis, CSP
(About Jim)
How to order the recording:
The Program:
Winners do what their competition won’t. Few people like cold calling. But when business is down you have to do what you don’t like to do to keep afloat. So you might as well learn to be great at it — and possibly learn to like it along the way.
Jim will show you simple, easy-to-follow steps to grow your business on the telephone. He includes phone scripts, motivation to market, and voicemail tools. He shares how to get past the gatekeeper (even if you don’t know the meeting planner’s name), what to say to meeting planners when you get them, and how to use the telephone to increase your business in a challenging economy.
Even if you have someone else call for you, you need to have this information so you know how to help them do even better.
You will learn:
- 4 great sources for prospects
- a successful script with a killer opening line
- how to get past the gatekeeper almost every time
- what to do when the meeting planner is not in
- how to get hired on the phone
- how to motivate yourself to keep you booked in a challenging economy
- an industry that will pay you to advertise your speaking career
More about our guest expert:
Jim Mathis, CSP is a corporate re-invention strategist, Certified Speaking Professional and author. He has been using the telephone to market his speaking and training business since he became a full-time professional speaker in 2003. From the next year, Jim has made a six-figure income in the speaking business annually, almost solely based on telephoning prospects and clients. As a result his business has been increasing during the current recession. He makes an average of 20–30 marketing phone calls every day as does his office assistant.
Jim is president of The Mathis Group based in Atlanta, Georgia; a member of the National Speakers Association, the Global Speakers Federation, and the International Coach Federation; and author of Reaching Beyond Excellence.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions