SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
How to Capitalize on Your Uniqueness
to Ensure Repeat Business
Guest Expert:
Glenna Salsbury, CSP, CPAE
(About Glenna)
How to order the recording:
Additional resources for this seminar:
- Handout — (PDF, 365K)
The Program:
Your platform effectiveness is powerfully enhanced by your clarity of unique message. Are you holding audiences in the palm of your hand? Are you experiencing repeat and referral business time after time?
One of the most practical ways to tap into your authentic message is to begin to dig out of your memory bank the most significant events, most significant people, and most life-changing insights that have impacted you.
Life-changing, transformational speakers are those who are captivatingly authentic. Our challenge is to become courageously transparent, to share our own unique truth, with a thoroughly humble heart.
You will learn:
- methods for clarifying your unique message
- tips for telling spellbinding stories
- how to utilize powerful rhythm in your speech
- why it’s important to deliver elevating laughter
- practical tools with which to leave your legacy in the lives of your listeners
More about our guest expert:
If you are eager to enhance your ability to connect with your audiences... if you would like to reduce your need to market... if you would love to have all your speaking engagements come from referrals or repeat clients... if you would like to become even more powerful on the platform... then you are in the right place at the right time.
For the last three decades Glenna Salsbury has served the corporate world nationally and internationally as a consultant and professional speaker. Her clients include Merrill Lynch, Kodak, AT&T, Exxon and scores of other major companies. She specializes in leadership development, communication skills, customer service and teamwork.
Glenna’s career has been built on repeat and referral business. She has never done any formal marketing and has been booked solid, earning a six-figure income every year since her second year in the business.
Glenna has received the highest awards in professional speaking. She served as the 1997–98 president of NSA. Glenna is a Certified Speaking Professional, a member of the CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame, and in 2005 was honored with NSA’s highest award, the Cavett Award.
A graduate of Northwestern University, Glenna also holds Masters Degrees from UCLA and from Fuller Seminary.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions