SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Leveraging Your Videos
to Create a Stampede of New Business
Guest Experts:
Ed Primeau and Ben Potter
(About Ed and Ben)
How to order the recording:
View a sample (PDF)
Additional resources for this seminar:
Two additional resources are available: video tutorials on working with YouTube, and a list of social media sites where you can upload your video. Links to these will be emailed to you if you purchase the recording.
The Program:
We’ve hit “The Video Revolution” with millions of new videos appearing on the Internet every day. One colleague’s YouTube video drew nearly 100,000 viewers within 3 weeks of posting, resulting in thousands of book, DVD, and speech sales. How can you similarly create a quality video that is watched and passed on to your target market — with no cost of distribution?
Your video has to stand out from your competitors’. You have to provide high value. So, what can make your video unique? How do you create and utilize video in ways that will bring you more business? Where can you place your video (besides YouTube) to bring you customers?
Ed and Ben of Primeau Productions, Inc., share their success on how to create high-quality video and properly distribute it for maximum exposure.
You will learn:
- What goes into a great video these days
- How to begin a video-casting series
- How to make your videos interactive, engaging and profitable using annotations
- What are some of the many networks you can post your video on
- When to use video clips and when to use your “demo”
- What software programs to use to create video
- How to track the success of your video
- How to get your video seen by millions
More about our guest experts:
If you search Google for Ed Primeau, you will find many pages of Web sites that Ed has developed or contributed to as a video producer, writer, and marketer. Ed Primeau is the president and CEO of Primeau Productions, Inc., and has been creating audio and video marketing, demo videos, and multi-media products for almost 30 years.
From one reinvention to the next, Primeau productions still produces successful professional speaker demo videos and incorporates the “New World Marketing” into their ever-growing business.
Ben Potter belongs to the generation that grew up and shaped social media, and the current shape of Internet-based marketing. Ben went to school at Columbia College in Chicago where he majored in E-marketing and Small Business management. Ben saw a rift in the world of marketing between burgeoning social media and Web marketing, and realized there was a problem and he wanted a solution. Since 2006, Ben has been learning, perfecting and implementing social media marketing strategies that have been proven to increase sales, conversions, Web traffic, brand loyalty/positioning and Internet presence. Ben is the director of social media marketing at Primeau Productions.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions