SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Use Unusual Products
for More Credibility and Bigger Audiences,
and to Help Your Bottom Line
Guest Expert:
Mike Domitrz, CSP
(About Mike)
How to order the recording:
The Program:
You’re already selling books, eBooks, CDs, DVDs and/or MP3s. So what else could you offer your clients, audiences and website visitors? What could not only yield additional sales, but will help cement you as an expert and bring more attendees to your presentations?
It’s time to think beyond the commonplace products. Learn how to adapt Mike’s experiences to your market and your goals—all while reinforcing your key messages and brand. While Mike’s organization focuses on spreading their mission, you’ll be able to think of many ways to turn these ideas into a profit for your speaking business.
Mike has learned how to create and produce resources for markets (education and military) that don’t typically have a lot of money budgeted for materials on the issue he discusses. His ideas can easily translate to corporate and association clients. He shares what he’s found to work—as well as what hasn’t worked—when creating and selling out-of-the norm materials.
You will learn how to:
- design and sell posters, pins, t-shirts, and even temporary tattoos that increase your revenue and buzz for your program
- utilize pre-sold products to get more attendees in your breakout room
- provide products that cement your message and brand with high value and visibility long after you’re gone
- promote your helpful materials (hopefully your products) from the stage without a sales pitch
- get more by giving away your resources
More about our guest expert:
Who is Mike Domitrz? In his first 12 months of speaking professionally, he spoke to over 50 campuses, published a critically acclaimed book, and built a reputation for providing programming no one else was giving to students. Five years later, he was a Certified Speaking Professional with the National Speakers Association.
While many speakers businesses have struggled in the economy, Mike’s speaking schedule has been busier this year more than ever before. He continues to speak in over 75 educational institutions and military installations a year—while producing successful educational materials for various groups (books, DVD, poster series, tattoos, buttons, pins, educational clothing, and more). Discover how he creates SUCCESSFUL products which are always congruent with his message and his passion!
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions