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Profit from New Book Publishing Options
Guest Expert:
Clint Greenleaf, CPA (About Clint)
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The Program:
Publishing has changed dramatically in the last few years. What used to work no longer does, and you have many more choices. Which publishing model should you use? Clint compares current publishing options (traditional, self-publishing, new technology and independent publishing), their pros and cons, and how to decide which model is right for you. He also talks about book sales in the traditional space (bookstores, airports, online, etc.) and non-traditional outlets.
You will learn:
- the current publishing options and how to determine which is best for you
- why some models are a fast track to nowhere and others are burgeoning
- why few speakers will have bestsellers
- how to capitalize on your own marketing efforts
- the keys to success (and how to avoid the pitfalls) of each option
- tips on selling via various outlets
More about our guest expert:
Clint Greenleaf is the founder and CEO of Greenleaf Book Group GBG, an Inc 500 Company a leading publisher and distributor with several NY Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers. Clint (a CPA) sits on the University of Texas Libraries Board, blogs for, and is a regular guest host on Fox Business Network. He sits on the AOL Small Business Board of Directors and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inc magazine, Fox, MSBNC, Money magazine, Mens Health, Forbes and Entrepreneur. Clint speaks about publishing and entrepreneurship across the country and internationally at conferences, seminars and schools.