SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
How to Build a High-Traffic Website
and Convert That Traffic to Sales!
Guest Expert:
Tom Gray
(About Tom)
How to order the recording:
Additional resources for this seminar:
- Handout — (PDF, 80K). This handout is a fill-in-the-blank form for you to fill out as you listen to the program. When you purchase the recording, you will be emailed a link where you can download a handout filled in by Tom, with additional resource information.
The Program:
Why is it that speakers spend days, months, and years crafting and polishing their platform presentations but balk at spending 30 minutes polishing their web, blog, and newsletter content? Yet time consistently spent on the latter can be crucial in getting to do more of the former.
Do not listen to this recording if you have all the web traffic, blog readers and ezine subscribers that you can handle buying more of your services and traffic than you have available. However, if you would like to increase your traffic and monetization, invest an hour and find out what you’re missing.
In other words, if your web presence more closely resembles a Field of Pipe Dreams (if you build it, they most likely won’t come and if they do show up, they won’t buy any popcorn) than a Field of Dreams (bleachers are packed and the concession stand is humming), you’ll benefit from this fast-paced, overly informative hour.
We’ll cover key topics:
- Content is king but the natives are restless, or “I have a back button and I know how to use it!” Offer the right content to attract and engage your audience and keep them coming back.
- If you don’t ask, they won’t buy. Effectively merchandising your site.
- What you don’t measure, you can’t improve. Why Google Analytics is your best friend and the critical metrics that really matter.
- Plan your work and work your plan, using editorial calendars and other tools to deliver consistent, persistent messages to your target audiences.
- Why your blog should be the flagship of your social networking strategy.
- Why “give to get” is food for business.
- SEO for dummies and professional speakers/trainers/consultants too!
More about our guest expert:
Tom Gray has been a featured presenter on using the Internet to build business and profits at the NSA National Convention (2 times) and for local chapters. He’s worked to help craft and implement effective Internet marketing strategies for professional speakers including Eric Chester, Mark Sanborn, and Laura Stack, as well as a diverse range of companies from hangar builders to physical therapists. Tom is married to a wonderful wife and is the father of two great kids. He lives in Lakewood, CO.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions