What can a 29-year-old who specializes in speaking to teens teach corporate speakers and consultants? How about how to create an empire grossing over $1.5 million a year, a six-figure book deal, television show, and multi-million dollar product deal. He’ll share what he’s learned and how you can adapt it to your business.
Paid speaking engagements are only the beginning of your impact and income. Learn from Inc. magazine award-winning entrepreneur Josh Shipp how he leveraged his red-hot speaking career into an empire.
You will learn:
- A step-by-step formula for getting a major book deal
- How to leverage your speaking gigs for mass impact and income
- Secrets for communicating what you do to the media for exposure and bookings
- The system for packaging your current content and selling it on multiple platforms
- The five things I wish someone had told me when I started this business