SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Master Back-of-the-Room Sales
Without Annoying Your Audience
Guest Expert:
Craig Valentine
(About Craig)
How to order the recording:
The Program:
You’ve seen lots of speakers do it badly. They irritate their audiences and their clients. Sure they make some money, but they’ve alienated many who wouldn’t buy anything and certainly won’t recommend them.
So how do you sell BOR well—so they’re not only lining up in droves to throw their credit cards at you, but also willing to sing your praises to the client and others?
Imagine seeing a crowd of excited audience members at your product table with expressions that say, “I can’t wait to get my hands on this product.” Then watch as they purchase bundles of your products.
Few know how to soft sell yet make hard cash. Craig is one of those rare speakers who knows how to embed the value of his products throughout his talk so people clamor to buy. And he does it without alienating folks.
Learn his secrets so you can not only serve more people by providing tools to enhance your presentation, but can make good money from those sales.
Even if you’re giving a free speech, you’ll walk away with fistfuls of sales. And guess what? Product sales feed your speaking engagements which then feed your product sales!
You will learn how to:
- plant seeds about the results of your offerings throughout your talk
- understand the right formula to entice your audience
- use the “Speaker’s Cycle of Wealth” to sell more products and get more speeches
More about our guest expert:
Craig Valentine, MBA, an award-winning speaker and trainer, has spoken in 16 countries and 46 of the United States. A former Mid-Atlantic 3-time Salesperson of the Year for Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, Craig now helps salespeople experience better selling through storytelling and he helps managers and leaders get remarkable results through communications and change. He is the creator of the “Mastering Back-of-the-Room Sales” home-study course for speakers, and author of the groundbreaking book World-Class Speaking. His 52SpeakingTips.com site continues to help thousands of speakers present with impact and persuade with ease.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions