SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
How to Use Crowdfunding to Finance,
Promote & Sell Your Next Book
Guest Expert:
Allan Karl
(About Allan)
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The Program:
Crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter help inventors, artists, and entrepreneurs fund and launch new ventures. But what about authors?
If you have a unique book idea and selling it to a publisher isn’t a viable option, perhaps crowdfunding is right for you. It not only can help you validate your idea and raise funds for design, production and printing, but it can also kickstart publicity and promotion. Even so, more than half the projects on Kickstarter fail. What does it take to succeed?
Crowdfunding is not for the faint of heart. There are definite do’s and don’ts. Allan shares secrets that in just 9 days enabled him to achieve his funding goal and nearly double it by the time the campaign ended, raising more than $40,000.
In this teleseminar you will learn:
- what crowdfunding is and how it works
- 5 critical components of a successful campaign
- how crowdfunding can strengthen and build your tribe
- 3 keys to producing a killer Kickstarter video
- must do’s before, during and after your crowdfunding campaign
- pros and cons of Kickstarter vs. Indiegogo vs. Pubslush or other crowdfunding sites
More about our guest expert:
Allan Karl is an adventurer, author, photographer and keynote speaker. He turned a three-year solo motorcycle adventure around the world into an adventure in crowdfunding and self-publishing, with a book that includes engaging stories, stunning photography, and tasty food from 35 different countries.
In the fall of 2013, after more than two years of pitching and proposing a book to traditional literary agents and publishers, who pleaded that he change and simplify his project, Allan turned to the crowdfunding site Kickstarter to generate preorders for his book and raise money for the printing of the first-edition. In 28 days Allan presold more than 800 books and raised more than $40,000 from more than 500 backers who supported his project.
During October 2013, Allan had the #1 ranked publishing project on Kickstarter, according to Kicktraq. Allan’s book, FORKS — A Quest for Culture, Cuisine, and Connection will be widely available in January 2014, and thanks to the publicity and aftermath of his successful Kickstarter campaign, customers each day preorder the book at forksthebook.com.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions