SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
What Bestselling Authors Do
to Sell Gobs of Books
Guest Expert:
Tim Grahl
(About Tim)
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The Program:
With all the mixed advice about how authors *have* to use blogging, Twitter, Facebook, email marketing, etc, to sell tons of books, it’s hard to put together a coherent plan that gets results without taking over your life.
Wouldn’t it be great to hear from someone who’s tried — and tracked results from — various methods to sell lots of books? Real techniques that have worked to increase book sales, gleaned from his work with Daniel Pink, Chip and Dan Heath, Pamela Slim, and Dan Ariely, among others? A book marketing expert who’s a rigorous researcher, who uses split testing and insists on multiple tests before pronouncing that something works, and that success has to be repeatable before he touts it? Tim Grahl is the man! He debunks a lot of myths and opinions about what sells books in today’s market — including what doesn’t work.
Learn how bestselling authors are leveraging which tools to sell more books. With a simple marketing framework, you can make sense of various tips and tools and put together a plan that will get results.
You will learn:
- what top authors do to get 10x results on their marketing
- 3 secrets to social media that will yield results
- the #1 tool that every author can use to sell more books
- how to reliably move people from site visitors to book buyers
More about our guest expert:
Tim Grahl is the president of Out:think, a firm that helps authors and writers create their platform, connect with readers, and sell more books. Tim has worked with over 100 authors, including bestsellers Daniel Pink, Chip and Dan Heath, Charles Duhigg, Dan Ariely, Pamela Slim, and many others. Spring 2013 he had five clients on the New York Times bestseller list at the same time.
Tim's book Your First 1000 Copies: The Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing Your Book is the definitive guide on how authors can build their online platform.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions