SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Use Professional Techniques
to Make Your Audio Product a Sound Succe$$
Guest Expert:
Toni Boyle
(About Toni)
How to order the recording:
The Program:
- “I’m a professional speaker, so recording an audio product will be a snap.”
- “I wrote the book — now all I have to do is read it.”
- “People will probably choose to either read the book or listen to it — no one wants to do both.”
- “It really doesn’t matter how it sounds as long as the listener gets the message.”
If you agreed with any of these statements, you’re going to be surprised by how audio really works. The skills needed when speaking to a large audience are totally different from those used when communicating one-on-one. Think of an opera singer compared to a lounge crooner — two very diverse talents. There are ways you can make the transition, help your sales, increase your income, and be recognized as one of the “must-hear” authors, while making it imperative people buy both your audio and your book.
The audio landscape has changed dramatically since the days of bulky six-cassette packages, but the basic rules for sounding good are the same as always. So instead of talking about the technical nuts and bolts of converting print to digital, Toni concentrates on the aesthetics of the “heard word.” She lets you in on the secrets the pros use to ensure their clients win awards, and shows you how easy they are for you to adopt for your products.
You will learn:
- the most important thing to do before you even consider approaching the mic
- how to differentiate your audio product from your book so clients will happily buy both
- how to get around some of the common problems when going from “what we read” to “what we hear”
- professional recording techniques anyone can use to make a passable recording great
- how to find help if you need it and what to ask for when you get it
- the essential questions you must ask yourself and others when the audio is finished
More about our guest expert:
For 20 years Toni Boyle’s business card read “Empress of Audio,” a title given her by the authors she worked with. After years as a radio host, she led the production staff for Nightingale-Conant in Chicago. She later became director of audio production for CPU-CREATIVE (a subsidiary of Guthy-Renker) in California, then opened her own company, writing and producing audio for companies including Time-Warner, Simon & Schuster, Zig Ziglar, Norman Vincent Peale, King World Direct, Linda Evans Fitness Centers and UNICEF. She has worked with over 80 of the nation’s best-known business, motivational, health, fitness and self-help authors, producing nearly five hundred 60-minute audios and scripting over 2.5 million words.
Toni left the studio to become vice-president of YouAchieve.com, helping to build the company and pioneer early e-learning formats. She is the author of the audio program, “Taping Yourself Seriously” and co-author of The Gremlins of Grammar (McGraw-Hill).
Toni now lives in the Boston area where she consults on audio production, as well as writing/editing for print authors while completing her first novel.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions