SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Become a Wealthy Speaker
by Revamping Your Marketing
Guest Expert:
Jane Atkinson
(About Jane)
How to order the recording:
The Program:
Are you a seasoned speaker who is stuck at a plateau?
Are you a new speaker who wants to catapult?
Is your marketing getting you booked?
Are you positioned correctly?
Would you like to earn higher fees?Whether it’s your speech, positioning, or marketing materials, Jane Atkinson will help you avoid the common mistakes and utilize techniques and tips that have helped many of her clients catapult to the top 3%. The business has changed, and your marketing needs to adapt to ensure that decision makers can easily see what they require to give you the business.
Learn how recent marketplace changes have created even more competition and how you can come out on top with “return on investment” marketing. By expanding your business model, you can stop trading your time for money and develop passive revenue streams.
You will learn:
- Three important areas to concentrate your time and money
- The most powerful form of marketing
- How to position yourself to earn higher fees
- What works in today’s climate with decision makers and speakers bureaus
Join Jane for a high-content session that will provide pages of notes and ideas! Learn the step-by-step process that many of North America’s top speakers use to earn over $1 million per year, even in today’s economy.
More about our guest expert:
Jane Atkinson has been helping speakers catapult their businesses for more than 20 years. As an agent for speakers, she has repped speaking superstars Vince Poscente, Joe Calloway, and Peter Legge — all CSP/CPAEs as well as bestselling authors and celebrities. As former vice president of International Speakers Bureau, Jane has seen the industry from many angles.
Jane’s book, The Wealthy Speaker 2.0: The Proven Formula for Building Your Successful Speaking Business is the perfect resource for speakers at all levels. And her new book The Epic Keynote: Presentation Skills and Styles of Wealthy Speakers is due out May 2014.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions