SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Speechwriter Savvy: How to Make Your Ideas
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Guest Expert:
Pete Weissman
(About Pete)
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- Handout — (PDF, 308K)
The Program:
CEOs and politicians hire speechwriters to help them win over audiences. It’s a luxury few of us can afford. A good speechwriter knows how to craft an engaging speech and create memorable phrases. Wouldn’t you love to know how to polish your presentation with those techniques?
If you’ve ever struggled with how to start a new speech, award-winning speechwriter Pete Weissman’s step-by-step approach will make it easy. You’ll learn the four questions you must answer before you start scripting, and you’ll discover how to take your stump speech to the next level.
In this era of information overload, being able to capture your big idea clearly and concisely is a competitive advantage. Pete teaches you how to create unforgettable sound bites that will echo in your listeners’ ears, be shared on social media, and help you get quoted by the news media. His sound-bite formula can also help you create your signature phrase that pays.
Learn some of the tools that Pete uses to create unforgettable speeches for his blue chip clients.
You will learn:
- How to capture the attention of any audience
- How to authentically connect with listeners
- How to make your key idea unforgettable
More about our guest expert:
Pete Weissman is an award-winning speechwriter, speaker, and communications director with nearly 20 years of experience supporting leaders in the White House, United States Senate, and Fortune 100 companies. His Atlanta-based firm, Thought Leader Communications, provides speechwriting and strategic communications services to high-profile companies, foundations. and associations. Pete specializes in helping senior executives become recognized as thought leaders.
Pete spent three years in the West Wing of the White House supporting the Office of the Press Secretary and the Director of the National Economic Council. Pete then served as a Deputy Communications Director and Speechwriter in the United States Senate. In 2007, he joined The Coca-Cola Company, as Director, Leadership Communications and Senior Executive Speechwriter to CEO and Chairman. Pete has written for the world’s most influential venues, including the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Clinton Global Initiative. His work has been published in Vital Speeches of the Day, Executive Speeches, Financial Times, The Influential Executive, and two college textbooks: A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking and The Confident Speaker’s Handbook.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions