SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Discovering and Exploiting Your Uniqueness
for a More Fulfilling Career
Guest Expert:
Glenna Salsbury, CSP, CPAE
(About Glenna)
How to order the recording:
The Program:
Another SNN teleseminar expert, Larry Winget, expressed the secret to success: “Exploit your uniqueness in the service of others.”
Are you like some speakers, trainers, and consultants who do good work but don’t feel you’ve got momentum? You make an okay living but don’t feel that business comes to you easily. You get good evaluations yet prospects aren’t beating down your door to hire you. People respond positively to you but they don’t create buzz. You have an active marketing plan but nothing seems to result in masses of business.
You just haven’t turned the corner to effortless business, yet can’t put your finger on what’s missing.
It might be the clarity of knowing and articulating your unique gifts and talents, then finding clients who value those and want to work with you. Coupling that with discovering your primary purpose on the planet will make you as busy as you want to be with clients who love to work with you.
It’s not easy to discover and meld purpose with talents. It takes truthfully answering some tough questions. But what are the most useful questions? How do you then take the answers and find prospects interested in your unique contributions? It takes some soul searching and some hard inner work. The results are worth it, though, as you are excited every day, you contribute at your highest level, and you are compensated in the way that is most meaningful to you.
Glenna shares her soulful process for uncovering your passion, your purpose, and, perhaps, your calling.
In this session, you will learn:
- Questions to discover your unique gifts and talents
- How to bring your authentic self to your work
- Uncovering your primary purpose on the planet
- What might be holding you back
More about our guest expert:
Known for her spontaneity, humor, and high energy, Glenna is an extraordinary communicator. All of her business, with the exception of referrals from other speakers or bureaus, can be traced to one speech she gave in a meeting in Southern California in 1980! She has authored several books, has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, and is often hired by other professional speakers and coaches to help them gain increased clarity about their core message or purpose.
Glenna speaks on leadership, balance, inspiration, and communication within the corporate culture, as well as for associations and small business owners. Even after 35 years on the road, she is quick to admit she would do this for free. (She usually does not reveal that to potential clients, however.)
A graduate of Northwestern University, Glenna holds a Masters Degree from UCLA and a Masters from Fuller Seminary. She was married to the late Jim Salsbury, a former Detroit Lion and Green Bay Packer. She resides in Scottsdale, Arizona. (And, when asked about one of her most interesting speaking engagement she recounts being invited to speak to 1000 gypsies in Bulgaria.)
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions