SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Four Little-Known Techniques
for More Impactful Presentations
Guest Expert:
Nancy Giere, CPT
(About Nancy)
How to order the recording:
Additional resources for this seminar:
- Techniques outline — (PDF, 70K)
- Program design blueprint — (PDF, 70K)
The Program:
Most people think instructional design is only for training and not useful for creating a thought-provoking keynote. They’d be wrong.
They’d also be wrong to think that they already know key design techniques. They think that since their presentations are well-received, they know enough about designing a highly impactful presentation. It’s great that they’ve been successful. But with a few new ideas on how to help audiences integrate their ideas, they could be even more so.
Most presenters — even long-time professionals with long client lists — have never studied how people learn. They may have incorporated some of the concepts intuitively, which has helped them be successful. So what if you know what techniques to apply purposefully then regular integrated them into your presentations? You’d have even more impact and value to your clients.
Nancy Giere has seen it all in presentations, from fabulously impactful with great takeaway value to total wastes of time. She’s a masterful instructional designer using her gifts to help experts in any field turn information into powerful learning experiences.
By listening to this teleseminar, you will learn:
- how to use adult learning principles on audience engagement and satisfaction.
- how to select and design interactive learning experiences that capture your audience’s attention and reinforce your key points.
- easy-to-implement learning strategies that will strengthen your message and help your audience remember and apply what they learn.
- the power of using a design blueprint to reduce program planning and development time.
More about our guest expert:
Nancy has been on a lifelong campaign against boring presentations. For over 25 years she has helped small businesses and Fortune 500 companies design, develop and deliver interactive presentations, workshops, webinars and eLearning programs that are fun and engaging and get results.
She has coached and trained her clients and teammates in the art and science of instructional design. Nancy has taught graduate-level courses and has presented local and national conferences for ISPI and ATD. Nancy was one of the first people in the country to be granted the Certified Performance Technologist designation from ISPI and has a master’s degree in instructional and performance technology.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions