SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
The World Tour of You:
How to Become a Global Speaker
Guest Expert:
Fredrik Härén, CSP, CSPGlobal
(About Fredrik)
How to order the recording:
The Program:
You’d like to work abroad, but you’ve only worked locally. Or you want to increase your international bookings. You love exploring different cultures and getting to know people in other countries. You may (or may not) have traveled for fun, but never to foreign countries for business. You’re not sure how you’d even start looking for foreign clients, and you certainly don’t know what you don’t know.
You’d love to have someone who’s established an international business tell you how. And you want someone who’s done it within the last five years so you know the ideas are current, not decades old.
For ten years Fredrik Härén was a “local speaker,” then he changed his mindset, his approach to speaking and his business model and he’s now one of the world’s most globally booked speakers. In this session he shares his insights to help you build your own global, speaking empire.
You will learn:
- how to become a global speaker
- the mindset that gets you from “local speaker” to “global speaker”
- why you should NOT customize your speech to different cultures
- how speaking globally changes who you are — for the better
- practical tips on how to get international speaking bookings
- how speaking for global audiences is different
More about our guest expert:
Fredrik Härén, CSP, CSPGlobal is “The Global Conference Speaker,” specializing in speaking for global audiences all over the world. He has delivered 2,000 presentations in over 60 countries on 6 continents. (Last year he spoke in 22 different countries.) He was voted Speaker of The Year in Sweden as well as selected as one of “The Best Swedish Speakers Ever.” He is a Certified Speaking Professional (one of 700 globally) as well as GSPGlobal (one of only 30 globally).
He is the author of 9 books, including The Idea Book, which was included in “The 100 Best Business Books of All Time.”
Twitter: @fredrikharen
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions