SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Outsource for Marketing Success:
7 Simple Steps to Marketing Made Easy
Guest Expert:
Chuck Gallagher
(About Chuck)
How to order the recording:
Additional resources for this seminar:
- When you purchase this recording, you will be sent an email containing links to handout materials that Chuck provided.
The Program:
Nearly no one likes to do the myriad marketing tasks needed for success. We want to just do the work we love to do and have someone else take care of blog posts, Twitter tweets, LinkedIn updates, article and ezine writing and submission, video editing and posting, website copywriting and maintenance. Heck, we’d also love to find someone to gather lists of viable prospects and send them introductory emails and/or calls.
You know you could hire someone in-house to do all this, but don’t want to take on the monthly overhead. You’ve tried that and in slow times have experienced when your staff have been paid and you haven’t.
The alternative is outsourcing, either to a virtual assistant or to others who specialize in one or a few areas. The beauty is you only pay them when they do a job for you. The downside is finding dependable, competent people who don’t need much supervision.
Lucky for you, Chuck has figured this out. He’s mastered how to find, vet, and manage job-specific providers. And he shares his resources and process so you can successfully outsource, too, so that you can focus on what you love to do.
You will learn:
- what other speakers, trainers and consultants successfully outsource
- how to find the best service providers for the money you’re willing to pay
- how to best vet potential providers
- what you need to do to get the best out of the providers and have little need to supervise them
More about our guest expert:
You may have seen Chuck on television or heard him on CBS, CNN or NPR radio programs. His business insights are sought-after for his strong position on ethical and ethical leadership. His unique presentations and laser-pointed focus clearly demonstrate that he brings something to organizations that aren’t found in typical business speakers.
Described as creative, insightful, captivating and a person who “connects the dots” between behavior, choices, ethics and success, Chuck Gallagher provides the framework for giving you what you need to turn concepts into actions and actions into results.
Unless you have a fully developed business with multiple support staff, you need to know how to take action through effective outsourcing. Chuck will not only discuss how to outsource effectively, but also tie business development methods to outsourcing solutions so that you can do what you enjoy most — be in front of an audience with mic in hand!
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions