SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
What Does It Take to Create
a Phenomenal Short-Format Talk?
Guest Expert:
Jon Yeo
(About Jon)
How to order the recording:
The Program:
The TED phenomenon has changed expectations of how presentations are to be delivered. Unfortunately, almost all professional speakers will fail to qualify to do a TED talk — it’s NOT just a short keynote. Most speakers are not nearly prepared enough to do a TEDx talk (much less a TED talk).
The demand for short-format talks is escalating. Some conference organizers are using short, main stage talks, in part, to better engage Gen Y and Millennials. You need to be prepared for audiences who want more of a TED experience, not just a shortened version of your keynote.
So how do you do that? What do you need to know to make your short talk as powerful as your longer version? What do professional speakers do that doesn’t work in this format?
You will learn:
- how to design for experience
- how do you quantify the impact you have on stage
- how subject matter expertise is no longer enough to make a TED or conference stage
- why the “why” is important for modern audiences
More about our guest expert:
Since 2009, Jon Yeo has been the curator and license holder for TEDxMelbourne, an independently organized TED event. Today, TEDxMelbourne events fill 1500-seat auditoriums in days and one still holds a State Library record sellout of 90 minutes.
Jon helps executives and leaders present complex content with simplicity that guides and inspires their teams. Whether storytelling or driving home hard facts, the art of powerful communication is a critical 21st Century skill.
Jon has presented at Professional Speakers Australia conferences including special programs for their best speakers and regional Toastmasters conferences. He also works internationally with leaders, salespeople and young social entrepreneurs to create change and drive impact. Current clients include SAP, NAB, Auspost, Dept Human Services and Dept of Education. Jon is the current Melbourne Chapter President of Professional Speakers Australia.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions