SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Zero-Dollar Marketing
for Speakers, Trainers and Consultants
Guest Expert:
Bill James, CSP
(About Bill)
How to order the recording:
Additional resources for this seminar:
- When you purchase the recording, you will get a link to download the handouts.
The Program:
Marketing and sales are the bane of your existence. You love delivering your services, but you hate having to scare up new clients.
Your marketing budget is non-existent yet you need to do something to keep leads coming in. You know you need to do more than blog posts, tweets and LinkedIn status updates. You need to update your 1-sheet, website and other marketing materials but aren’t sure how to create compelling copy.
You ask yourself why others seem to find business while you struggle to gain new opportunities? Could it be they have discovered that there is a wealth of possible business available, simply by spotting it when it is right in front of them and knowing how to leverage every advantage they can? That they know how to make their marketing work harder without spending anything to do it? Well, you could, too!
You will learn:
- how to develop the new business mindset — be an attractor.
- no- or low-cost ideas to leverage the most out of your existing clients, business relationships and existing marketing.
- how to create plain-English key messages that grab buyer attention using copy that sells.
- how to click in, clamp on and crank up existing campaigns.
- how to create advocates who will sell you, behind your back.
- the REAL key to ongoing profitable business relationships.
More about our guest expert:
For more than 30 years Bill has been winning sales prizes and quadrupling company results. But he would not say he was the best salesperson in the world.
His secret? Creating opportunity after opportunity, making sure there is always someone to talk to and keeping the pipeline full.
No matter what budget you have, there is no excuse not to have new business possibilities lined up to talk to. When you have to turn people away you know you are achieving the right results.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions