SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
How to Use Twitter Chats
to Expand Your Business
Guest Expert:
Roy Atkinson
(About Roy)
How to register and order the recording:
Additional resources for this seminar:
- A link to Roy’s handout will be sent to you when you purchase the recording.
The Program:
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed about which marketing activities yield the best result — new fans or buyers. Should you spend your time building your YouTube video library, tweeting, doing FaceBook Live, starting a LinkedIn group, podcasting, or whatever the newest trend is? Whatever you do, it has to be easy and yield good results.
Consider starting a Twitter chat. It can boost your reputation and expand your platform of followers.
What is a Twitter chat? As a Twitter influencer, Roy explains the concept and best practices from his experience managing one of the most popular and longest-running Twitter chats. He provides you with the information you need to get started and keep going.
In this program you will learn:
- why Twitter chats offer you a unique platform to reach potential fans and buyers
- how Twitter chats work
- how to schedule a chat to ensure the most participation
- how to publicize your chat
- how to structure and conduct your chat
- what tools you (and your Twitter chatters) should use
- what to expect from your chat — and what not to expect
More about our guest expert:
Roy Atkinson (@RoyAtkinson) has an international reputation as a speaker and analyst in the fields of customer service and service management. He has been named to “Top 20 Customer Service Experts to Follow on Twitter” by Comm100, “ICMI’s Top 50 Thought Leaders to follow on Twitter” by ICMI, “30 Most Influential People in Customer Service” by Onalytica, and “Top 100 Customer Success Influencers” by MindTouch, among others. He is a co-host for the popular #custserv (customer service) chat, which has been running every Tuesday since December of 2009.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions