SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Crushing the Platform — 9 Insights
from Coaching 95 Top Keynote Speakers
Guest Experts:
Eric Chester, CSP, CPAE and Mark Scharenbroich, CSP, CPAE
(About Eric and Mark)
How to order the recording:
The Program:
When you completely own the stage and connect fully with your audience, and each presentation results in additional offers for other keynotes, your fees soar and your career shifts into another gear.
Why do so many speakers believe that the secret to success as a keynoter lies in having a hip brand, a trendy speech title, and/or a clever marketing campaign? This causes them to major in marketing and minor in speech, when the results they dream of require the exact opposite.
Getting better on the platform requires constant effort: time and resources invested writing powerful material and working overtime on storytelling, character development, stagecraft, and presentation mastery.
Chester & Scharenbroich have a combined experience that spans 70 years and more than 8,000 keynotes, and 5 years ago they joined forces to help good speakers learn how to write better material, sharpen their stories, and refine their stagecraft to take their careers to new heights.
What they discovered along the way are tools and tactics that will elevate any speaker’s presentation, and key take-aways you need to know before you give another keynote. As Kenny Bania famously said to Seinfeld, “It’s GOLD, Jerry!!”
Among the GOLD nuggets they will reveal, you will discover:
- how to win over your audience in 30 seconds or less.
- how to tighten up your one-hour keynote to play to the 18-minute TED talk mindset
- three of the most common mistakes keynoters make and how to avoid them
- how the best keynoters keep signature material fresh and relevant
- two secrets to creating unique characters that will separate you from the pack
- why your keynote must have a remarkable hook
- why originality trumps viral YouTube cat videos
- the magic of unvarnished coaching: beyond the mastermind approach
- how to stay ahead of the trends rather than getting run over by them
More about our guest experts:
Eric Chester, CSP, CPAE is a leading voice in attracting, managing, motivating, and retaining the emerging workforce. As an in-the-trenches workplace researcher and thought-leader, Eric is the author of 6 leadership books and a 2004 inductee into the NSA Hall of Fame.
Mark Scharenbroich CSP, CPAE is best known as the “Nice Bike Guy.” His presentations are all about helping leaders connect more fully with their front line and their customers. Mark is an award-winning author, an Emmy award winner, and a 2003 inductee into the NSA Hall of Fame.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions