SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Where the Art of Story
Meets the Business of Persuasion
Guest Expert:
Kelly Swanson
(About Kelly)
How to order the recording:
The Program:
A successful speaking business is founded on selling and marketing. If you can’t master that, you won’t have a sustainable business. Selling is about making people like you, trust you, believe you, and feel like they know you.
In today’s overly crowded marketplace, every speaker is shouting to be heard above the noise. This does nothing to influence your buyer to pay attention to you. Just picture every LinkedIn random message you get with someone wanting to connect. The key to standing out in this market is not just to be heard above the noise — but to be trusted in it. Information is easily accessible and free. Clients don’t buy your product, they buy the experience you create in delivering your product. The experience earns the business. Build trust before you start telling people what they should do.
Story. It’s your strongest tool. Science backs up its power. Psychology sings its praises. If you aren’t using story to sell your business, you are simply adding more noise to a crowded market and that’s costing you money.
It’s not as simple as telling a story. It must be compelling. It must be relevant. It must accomplish its purpose and align with your buyer’s motives. It must contain the key strategic components.
Learn Kelly’s Story Formula and her framework that will ensure you connect every time, so that you’re not just telling them what to do, you’re making them WANT to do it.
You will learn:
- how story is a tool, not just a form of entertainment
- Kelly’s Trojan Horse Philosophy on standing out in a crowded market
- Kelly’s Story Formula — the three elements that create a compelling Brand story
- Kelly’s framework for crafting that brand story so that it achieves the desired effect
- tips on how to make the story more compelling
- how to talk about yourself without talking about yourself
More about our guest expert:
Kelly Swanson is an award-winning storyteller, comedian, motivational speaker, and storytelling expert. She is author of several books including "The Story Formula: Connect and Engage through the Power of Strategic Storytelling." She has spent fifteen years speaking and coaching people in business on to harness the power of their story. She’s been seen on The Fashion Hero TV show, performed on Holland America Cruise Lines.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions