SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Smiling and Dialing Your Way
to a Six-Figure Speaking Business
Guest Expert:
Lisa Ryan, CSP
(About Lisa)
How to register and order the recording:
Additional resources for this seminar:
- A link to Lisa’s handout for this session will be sent to those who purchase the program.
The Program:
Do you find that when it is time to do outbound marketing calls, your phone weighs 1,000 lbs? Would you rather clean the bathroom than make those calls?
If you don’t have a list, Lisa will tell you how to start, as well as what to say in your opening conversation. She’ll share how to overcome the paralyzing fear of rejection, and how to be pleasantly persistent.
You can take a new list, from a new industry, where no one knows you and you have no connections and turn it into a six-figure speaking business one year later. Lisa will show you how.
Whether you are an emerging speaker, or an established speaker looking to break into a new market, this program is for you.
By attending this program, you’ll learn:
- how to affordably create your list of high-potential prospects
- what to say to prospects in the first several contacts with them
- how to overcome picking up the “thousand-pound phone”
- the attitude to reject rejection and keep calling
- followup strategies to keep top-of-mind without being a pest
- how to use LinkedIn for prospecting
- the power of persistence and why 21 is your new magic number
More about our guest expert:
Although she started selling at the tender age of eight — Girl Scout cookies, read-a-thons, walk-a-thons, you name it — Lisa’s “official” sales career lasted more than 20 years. However, when she started her speaking business, she soon realized that selling yourself is different (and much more difficult) than selling welding rods, health care products, and people (as an executive recruiter).
After spending the first seven years of her speaking career floundering with general audiences with human resource topics, she knew something needed to change. After choosing a niche and starting with a cold list of 250 manufacturing associations, she has turned that list into a very lucrative business model, and she has helped a number of speakers to do the same.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions