SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Turning Disruption into Opportunity:
Reinventing Your Business to Weather Any Storm
Guest Expert:
Joe Calloway, CSP, CPAE
(About Joe)
How to order the recording:
The Program:
“The times they are a-changing” —Bob Dylan
The speaking business has seen quick, dramatic changes, from volcanic eruptions, 9/11, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, blizzards, the Great Recession, to pandemics. It’s difficult and sometimes devastating to ride out the aftermath, to scramble to make your financial commitments in the face of drastically reduced revenue.
How do you use the down time created by disasters not just to salvage your previous business model, but to pivot to a new one with less vulnerability to crises?
One of our wisest colleagues has given a lot of thought to this and has purposefully disrupted his own business models to create a more consistent and fulfilling one — for him and his clients.
Joe Calloway’s speaking career has been noteworthy for one constant factor throughout: change. Joe has changed topics, formats, target markets and business models throughout his career in the interest of staying relevant to his market and keeping it interesting for himself. (Joe has a very low threshold for boredom.)
Throughout the changes the one thing that Joe has always kept front and center as the number one priority is to create value. Joe believes that the final and most powerful differentiator is to provide the greatest value (and relevance) for the client. To provide value, you have to know what is most important to the client, so Joe makes researching and understanding his market’s wants and needs a focus of his daily activity.
In this time of extraordinary changes, challenges, and, yes, opportunities, Joe is focused on how to best create value for his current target market. The gift of any crisis is time for program improvement and development, research, writing, and every other activity and project that we’ve been putting off or needs attention. Joe is putting it to good use as he is actively exploring new business opportunities.
You will learn:
- New perspectives on how to think about your business.
- Understanding the most powerful differentiator and tie-breaker when you’re in competition for an engagement
- What one thing can make you more money than cold calling ever can.
- The key component at the core of your marketing and selling.
- The business has changed more in the past five years than ever before and what those changes mean to all of us.
More about our guest expert:
Joe Calloway’s client list reads like an international Who’s Who in business, ranging from Coca Cola and Verizon to Delta Air Lines and American Express. Today Joe works with leaders of a wide range of businesses of all sizes at their leadership and strategic planning retreats.
Joe is the author of Becoming A Category of One: How Extraordinary Companies Transcend Commodity And Defy Comparison, which received rave reviews from The New York Times, Retailing Today, Publishers Weekly and many others.
Joe’s other books include Be The Best At What Matters Most, Magnetic: The Art Of Attracting Business, Indispensable: How to Become the Company That Your Customers Can’t Live Without, Never by Chance: Aligning People and Strategy Through Intentional Leadership, Work Like You’re Showing Off, Keep It Simple, and his newest book, The Leadership Mindset.
Joe has presented workshops at leadership events in countries around the world including Italy, Sweden, South Africa, England, Swaziland, Canada, Mexico and throughout the Caribbean.
He has been inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame, and he brings a unique energy to his small group leadership workshops.
Joe lives in Nashville with his wife Annette, and their daughters Jessica and Cate.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions