SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Going Remote: How to Set Up and Deliver
Exceptional Speeches and Presentations
from Any Location
Guest Expert:
Alan Stevens, FPSA
(About Alan)
How to order the recording:
Webcast video:
- If you order the recording, you will get a link to the recorded video of the online webcast.
- You will also get a link to Alan’s session handout.
The Program:
You are well aware that the speaking profession has dramatically changed. Now, remote speaking is more important than ever. For the savvy speaker and presenter, this opens up a whole range of new opportunities. If you only offer presenting in person, your business will suffer.
Though we all love an engaging, entertaining, in-person speech, there are advantages to remote delivery, including a lower carbon footprint, guaranteed presence, reduced or no expenses and no cancellations.
This webinar provides strategies to ensure that your speaking business not only survives disasters, but thrives despite them.
You will learn:
- How to repackage your content for remote delivery
- What essential equipment and software to use
- How to pitch and price your remote speeches
- How to deliver engagement at a distance
- Backup and fail-safe techniques
- How to persuade clients to opt for remote delivery
More about our guest expert:
Alan Stevens has been delivering remote speeches and presentations for over 15 years, and prior to that, worked in TV and radio. He speaks globally on reputation management, and is past president of both the Global Speakers Federation and the Professional Speakers Association of the UK and Ireland.
He is the author of ten books on communication, including The Exceptional Speaker (with Paul du Toit), The Exceptional MC (with Celia Delaney and Guy Clapperton) and The Pocket Media Coach.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions