SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Generate Creative Marketing Ideas
in Turbulent Times
Guest Expert:
Robert Middleton
(About Robert)
How to order the recording:
Additional resources for this seminar:
- When you purchase the recording, you will also be able to download the session handout.
The Program:
Whether it’s a client-industry crisis, a natural disaster destroying your geographically specific clients’ business, or a global pandemic, your full calendar has turned into an empty one almost overnight.
Are you going to wait it out, or are you generating ideas to expand your speaking business without seeming crass?
One thing is certain right now: You need to crank up your creativity to the absolute maximum to come up with new ideas for generating income and plans for the future.
In this session, you won’t only get ideas on being more creative during turbulent times, you’ll participate in exercises to generate new ideas to propel your business forward quickly.
In this session, you will learn:
- the most important creative marketing activity to do now.
- the biggest barrier to generating creative ideas.
- how to leverage the energy of others for creative ideas.
- why generating wacky ideas can be better than reasonable ones.
- how some of the worst ideas can generate a ton of new business.
More about our guest expert:
Since 1984, Robert Middleton has been helping self-employed professionals — consultants, coaches, trainers, and speakers — attract more of their ideal clients. His marketing approaches are all based on building relationships and clearly communicating value.
Robert appreciates the value of creativity in business. For the past 22 years, he’s generated new ideas every week through his email newsletter, The Fearless Marketer.
With the launch of his website in 1996, he was one of the very first consultants or coaches online to focus on marketing for independent professionals. In fact, he launched an industry where there are now thousands of people offering services to this continually expanding market.
During crises, he’s helped his clients reach out and connect more effectively than ever before. “If there was ever a time to turn lemons into lemonade, this is the time! This is a great opportunity to reach out with creative ideas for surviving and thriving in business.”
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions