SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
How to Create an Enticing Name
for Your Company, Book, and Products
Guest Expert:
Alexandra Watkins
(About Alexandra)
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Webcast video:
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The Program:
The right name can attract customers, increase sales, and differentiate you. The wrong name can turn away prospective clients, frustrate people, and weaken your brand. You can’t afford to make any mistakes.
When you’re trying to stay competitive, it’s not enough to be ordinary. To immediately capture the attention of meeting planners, prospective clients, and book readers, you need a GRABBER. Something that quickly communicates your message, makes a powerful emotional connection, and resonates with your target audience. It all starts with the name.
Whether you need to brand your business with a compelling name, create distinctive names for your products, or turn heads with a clever book title, this engaging session will enlighten you to the tricks of the trade and give you creativity tools that you can use throughout your career.
Brand name expert Alexandra Watkins walks you through her proven process, showing you real-life examples of how speakers, authors, and businesses have experienced success with memorable names that help them stand out in a sea of sameness.
You will learn:
- The power you’ll get from an awesome name
- 5 must-have qualities that make a name sticky
- 7 deadly deal-breakers you must avoid
- Professional brainstorming tools and techniques
- Tips and tricks to avoid domain name pain
- How your personal name is hurting your brand
More about our guest expert:
Alexandra Watkins is a leading and outspoken authority on brand names with buzz. Since 2005, she and her naming firm, Eat My Words, have created love-at-first sight brand names for clients including Amazon, Coca-Cola, Disney, Google, and Twitter. Her breakthrough creativity book, Hello, My Name is Awesome: How to Create Brand Names That Stick, was named a Top 10 Marketing Book by Inc. Magazine and is regarded as the brand name bible.
Alexandra is a popular guest speaker known for her colorful, no-holds-barred presentations. She lives by the beach in San Diego and works out of her pool house.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions