SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Warm Leads in Your Pocket
(free webcast)
Guest Expert:
Duncan Hesketh, WeSpeak Global creator
(About Duncan)
How to order the recording:
Webcast video:
- If you order the recording, you will get a link to the recorded video of the online webcast.
The Program:
You are *so* tired of prospecting. What if you could easily get in front of over 5000 meeting professionals who book professional speakers? You make it easy for them to find you — easier than the bazillions of Google search results that come up when someone searches your topic.
There’s an app for that!
The WeSpeak Global app helps you get bookings. Created by top bureau owners Bronwyn and Duncan Hesketh, who market the app to their vast list of meeting professionals to help them find speakers — 5000 planners have already downloaded the app!
This means that at least 5000 event professionals from around the world now have this marketing platform in their pockets at all times, as well as on their desktops. This gives thought leaders, speakers, emcees and entertainers direct access to those bookers, since no other platform currently available has the ability for in-app marketing and purchases. But get this — WeSpeak does not take a bureau commission, only a small fee for the paid version.
With a truck load of functionality available to speakers, including robust, multi-media, marketing collateral uploadability, PLUS the hosting and sales of *paid* mini-keynotes and full online courses, the platform is fast becoming the go-to option for all who want to be in full control of their marketing material.
But the steep learning curve of technology can be quite daunting, so WeSpeak Global creator, Duncan Hesketh, runs through the platform, showing us how to use it to its full extent, helping us to better understand the potential of reaching those 5000+ warm leads (which is growing daily).
Watch as we explore the app to see all the capabilities to increase bookings.
What you will learn:
- getting set up on the platform
- easily add your listing
- add your content to be top of mind
- who the app is marketed to and how to maximize your exposure to them
More about our guest expert:
Duncan Hesketh has been involved with the speaking industry for over a decade. He owns and runs the bureau Conference Speakers International, which has been a well-established speaker bureau for over 30 years in South Africa, with many international clients. He has combined his intimate knowledge of the industry with his own tech skills, against the backdrop of his previous international sales experience in the UK, to co-create WeSpeak Global with his wife, Bronwyn Hesketh.
He knows what speakers want and need (more bookings!) and spends his days in discussions with talent and bookers from all over the world, tweaking and refining the app, so that it is truly a global platform, serving speakers and bookers everywhere.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions