SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
How to Craft Compelling Value Propositions That
Help You Get Booked, Monetize Your Expertise,
and Grow Your Business
Guest Expert:
Ford Saeks, CSP, CPAE
(About Ford)
How to order the recording:
Webcast video:
- If you order the recording, you will get a link to the recorded video of the online webcast.
The Program:
You are a really good speaker, thought leader, author and/or consultant. But you’re not making the money you think you should. You want to increase your revenue, attract new customers, and gain a competitive edge. You’ve tried so many things, and nothing seems to provide the breakthrough you’re seeking.
If you want to learn some inside secrets, Ford shares how to make more money from your expertise. He’s consulted with and advised many who adapted his ideas to rapidly grow their businesses.
This session has relevant ideas for the emerging speaker to the advanced 6- or 7-figure earners, too!
You will learn:
- how to define your unique branded narratives that get noticed and cause your prospects to take action
- what you need in your sales and marketing dictionary
- a simple 3-part formula that you can use for all of your revenue-generating efforts
- three secrets to attract referrals and new customers like a magnet
- strategies to leverage traditional mediums that give you top-of-mind awareness and generate more money from your topics and expertise
More about our guest expert:
Ford Saeks, CSP, CPAE — Hall of Fame Speaker, is a founding member and past chair of NSA’s Million Dollar Speakers Group, he runs his own 7-figure speaking business, and has helped many well-known professional speakers, past presidents, CSPs, CPAEs, authors and consultants grow their businesses. Join Ford as he reveals fresh insider secrets to accelerate your results and grow your business even on a limited budget.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions