SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Ridiculously Easy Ways to Amplify Your Reach
and Your Revenue with AI
Guest Expert:
Shawna Suckow, CSP
(About Shawna)
How to order the recording:
Webcast video:
- If you order the recording, you will get a link to the recorded video of the online webcast.
The Program:
If you’re hesitant to hop on the AI bandwagon, don’t be! As a professional speaker, ignoring AI will cost you money and opportunity. AI is transforming speaking businesses and it can transform yours, too.
In this session, you’ll learn some AI tools and strategies to stand out, boost productivity 10X (no joke), and make lead generation so much more effective.
But that’s not all! You can use AI to make your speeches more engaging, your jokes funnier, and your sales pitches more persuasive. You can even create your very own speaking bot to do your bidding while you sip your favorite beverage on a beach somewhere (if that doesn’t get you, what will?).
In this session, you’ll learn:
- How to punch up your prospecting emails
- How to create webinar landing pages and session descriptions that win business
- How to make your website more compelling to prospects and the Google gods
- How you can create a new slide deck in minutes
- How Shawna wrote her 30-page eBook lead magnet in a half-hour
- And more!
More about our guest expert:
Shawna Suckow, CSP, is a former corporate planner who knows how they think. She’s been a full-time speaker now for 12 years, and helps her audiences and coaching clients to stand out, build trust, and drive revenue. It’s all about being more memorable in a crowded marketplace, and using the latest tools like AI to make it easy and effective. Shawna is the best-selling author of five books, including one just for speakers called Frankly Speaking.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions