SpeakerNet News Teleseminars
Best Practices to Expand
Your Business Internationally
Guest Expert:
Martin Laschkolnig
(About Martin)
How to order the recording:
Webcast video:
- If you order the recording, you will get a link to the recorded video of the online webcast.
The Program:
You’d love to speak beyond your borders, but how do you do that? What business models work and which ones are a bust? How do you make connections, determine price, and perhaps modify your usual processes?
Would you like to know the best practices for international speaking, gleaned from numerous speakers? If so, Martin shares what he’s learned from his own international speaking business, as well as what he’s learned from others. He’s spoken on 4 continents (yes, also for a fee <g>), and he was President of the Global Speakers Federation, so he’s had many conversations about what works for other successful international speakers.
You will learn:
- what you need to know before considering expanding internationally
- how to avoid mistakes Martin and others have made
- not-obvious best practices for speaking globally
More about our guest expert:
In addition to speaking on 4 continents, Martin Laschkolnig has had the pleasure and honor to serve as President of the German Speakers Association 2015–2017 and was President of the Global Speakers Federation.
In his nearly 20 years in the speaking business, he’s gleaned great international speaking practices, but more importantly he has learned much from speakers associations members around the world. He will share his own successes and failures, and best practices from speakers globally.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions