
Editors: Rebecca Morgan & Ken Braly

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Feedback on the SNN webcast, “Remarkability Factor: How to Craft Messaging That Stands Out and Authentically Attracts Ideal Clients Every Time” with Jason Van Orden:

  • “Great value for the low fee.” —Barbara Khozam

Miscellaneous Tips

Video producer recommendationLida Citroen

For anyone looking to create (or update) their speaker reel, book trailer or add snap to their social media videos, I highly recommend Julian Rajchel (julianrajchel@gmail.com). I’ve worked with him for years and he just finished my book trailer and I couldn’t be happier! He can film you onsite, or give amazing direction, storyboards and graphic support to make your projects shine.

Update on new reporting requirement for US companiesBill Conerly

Additional info: the law requiring the new information is on hold. A federal court found it unconstitutional. That finding is being appealed to a circuit court. Here’s a summary of the legal stuff.

So although it’s easy to comply, we may not have to.

Boost your authority amid Google’s AI updatesVickie Sullivan

Google’s attempt to downplay AI content in search results will force thought leaders to bring their “A” game to content marketing.

According to a recent Marketing Profs article by Jason Ball, thought leaders must take steps to ensure Google’s algorithms clearly recognize how experienced they are.

Google’s latest “helpful content” algorithm update is an extension of Google’s E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) standard. A previous update added “experience” to the existing E-A-T trio, the current update appears to focus on measuring that experience and translating it into search rankings.

“Google still says ‘trustworthiness’ remains the most important of the four elements. But, of course, experience also demonstrates and feeds into trust,” the article says.

The author advocates putting out more thought-provoking ideas. You likely know about many of his suggestions, but he offers two new ideas you can try:

  • First-hand knowledge. Many thought leaders use their own experiences as examples or to provide context. However, giving those situations a more prominent position might be worthwhile. Rather than sharing shorter anecdotes as part of a broader message, try utilizing a single first-hand experience to convey all the insights and conclusions in your writing.
  • Choose an enemy. I’ve seen first-hand what happens when you tap into a common annoyance. The author outlines some great ideas in the article. I expect this strategy to gain popularity quickly; selecting the optimal target will differentiate you.

If you haven’t been keeping up with the latest progress in AI and generative AI, it’s time to start paying attention. AI is expected to take over the educational content space. To stay competitive, you need to enhance your brand’s voice and produce content that cannot be generated by AI tools such as ChatGPT.

Travel Tips

Book refundable backup flightsRebecca Morgan

With common summer weather delays, consider booking refundable backup flights, either with cash or miles, whether for business or pleasure. I’ve done this, booking a different routing that may take longer, but avoids common weather hotspots. This won’t help a lot if you are already en route, but if you have a day or two notice of a weather problem, you know you can get to your destination without having to scramble to find new flights. Yes, it may cost more, but you know you can make the engagement, and if you don’t use the ticket, you get a refund.

This week, my flights were canceled for vacation next month to Ecuador, changing planes in Mexico. Instead of weather problems, the cancelation was politically based, with Ecuador severing diplomatic ties with Mexico, apparently including flights through there. Luckily, months ago, I’d made other refundable reservations on flights not through Mexico that are not canceled. Thank goodness, as the flights available now are much more expensive and/or much longer.

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