
Editors: Rebecca Morgan & Ken Braly

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Plexicam lets you mount your webcam in the middle of your screen so you are always looking at the audience. Choose the size that works best for you.

Miscellaneous Tips

Graphic artist recommendationRebecca Morgan

If you have any graphic design needs — one-sheet, logo, book cover, business cards, etc., Kimb Williams (kimbmanson@shaw.ca) is your gal! I’ve been working with Kimb since 2006, and as a result, she’s now worked with hundreds of speakers, trainers and consultants. See her portfolio at senjula.com.

Presentation tip for those prone to “glisten”Jeff Davidson

In the event that you are prone to heavy perspiration, a variety of steps can help minimize the incidence of it:

  • Beyond the obvious elements of good hygiene, there is a deodorant compound composed of salt crystals that you can buy in health food stores. The odorless, colorless crystals, applied as a roll-on, kill bacteria and absorb excess perspiration longer and far more effectively than most of the name brand deodorants available.
  • Wear a T-shirt, the sleeves of which will serve as a buffer underneath your shirt or blouse. T-shirts come in a variety of necklines so as to not be seen under your clothes. On a warm day, you’ll be more comfortable wearing a T-shirt that absorbs some of your perspiration than not wearing one and somehow attempting to hold back the perspiration. A T-shirt can help make you feel cooler on an otherwise warm day, particularly when you wear a cotton outer garment that can “breathe.”
  • Avoid spicy foods such as hot peppers and condiments with jalapeno or cayenne ingredients for at least a few hours before your presentation. Such foods can trigger bouts of perspiration that may recur more easily once you’re at center stage.
  • In advance of your presentation, check the room temperature, and ask the room monitor what it will be at your start time. A slight chill in the room decreases the chances of you falling prey to profuse perspiration as a warm room increases it. If you’re mildly uncomfortable with the room temperature prior to going on, I guarantee that you’ll be over-heated once you start speaking.

A simple app to help you get more businessChuck Reaves

A new tool will help you manage and distribute your content and sell and market your services. It’s called a YAP (www.DIYAPP.live), an app you build yourself. You already have the necessary software, most of the content, and opportunities to use it. Essentially, it’s a DIY APP.

It can help you make better, faster, and more impressive responses to inquiries from meeting planners, association executives, and potential clients. It will assist you in managing your promotional materials, including videos, audio, articles, podcasts, etc. It can help you present yourself stronger in a competitive environment — unless your competitors are also using a YAP.

It’s free, and can be a part of your differentiation when selling your products and services.

Want to use a dime-sized camera for your virtual presentations to make it easier to see what’s on your screen at eye-height? The new upgraded Center Cam is coming out soon, so get one of the first ones. Details

Travel Tips

Renew passport onlineSheryl Roush

US passport holders now have the option to renew online. Renewers have to be at least 25 years old, have a passport issued between 2009–2015, as well as other qualifications. Details.

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