
Editors: Rebecca Morgan & Ken Braly

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From the Editors

What have you learned lately?

It’s summer, we know. Time to take some time off and relax, right? But we’ve found it’s also a time to hone your skills, explore some new tools, and get ready to implement some new ideas to ensure a busy Fall.

If you didn’t know it before, chances are your colleagues didn’t either. So send us your tips of great resources and cool new ideas that are working for you. You’ve got thousands of SNN readers ready to try your idea.

SNN Webcast Info

Monday, July 8
Become and Stay the Top Go-To Speaker
on Your Topic
with Shep Hyken, CSP, CPAE

Shep HykenDo you remember Red Adair? Around the world, when an oil well fire was out of control, Red Adair was the man they called. He was the best.

When a meeting planner wants a speaker on your topic, are you the first person they think of to call?

Being top-of-mind in your field is the position any business would like to have. How do you get to that position? Our next program features an expert who has achieved that, and he will share with us what has worked for him to get there and stay there.

Read more about this session at the bottom of this newsletter, then register for the live program or pre-order the recording.

Note: Everyone who registers for the live webcast session or orders the recording will get a link to the recorded video of the online webcast, as well as the audio MP3 for convenient re-listening.

Miscellaneous Tips

What CEOs care about in 2024Vickie Sullivan

Have you ever wanted to be a fly on the wall in an executive board meeting? McKinsey & Company’s article on the top priorities of CEOs is a great alternative.

Based on hundreds of insider conversations, McKinsey’s list of CEOs’ top 8 priorities has two areas in which we thought leaders can find the most opportunities:

  • Next-level execution: The article talks about exceptional implementation. This is more than executives figuring out what they are good at. How to create new capabilities that carry out the “superpower” is a blank canvas for all sorts of advisors. Ask yourself: How can I change or position my value around execution?
  • Middle managers take center stage: Top execs and high potentials tend to receive the most support. Acknowledging that folks in the field are critical to execution (see above) points to more opportunities at scale. Perhaps now is the time to ramp up your training programs to include online options, gamification, etc.

Knowing what top execs care about is an effective starting point to find new opportunities. Take this report apart and ask yourself: where is my best place to play?

Seth Godin’s editing tool ideaRebecca Morgan

In a recent blog post, Seth had an interesting idea: Consider building a word cloud of your writing. He suggests using something like wordclouds.com, which is easy and no-cost.

In the “word list” menu choose “extract words from text.” Then paste in your text, even if it’s long, like a book. It will then generate a word cloud.

Seth says, “At a glance, you’ll discover the essence of your tone, whether you have some stop words to be edited out (I use ‘just’ too much) and what your audience is going to experience as the work unfolds.”

Rebecca Morgan Complacency is the enemy of excellence. Have you become complacent with your virtual presentations? Learn enhancements that will make you go way beyond “good” in the Rebecca Morgan/eSpeakers Virtual Master Presenter course and designation. Five-part, live, virtual course starts Sept. 4. Early bird discount ends Aug. 20. Limited space. Details
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SpeakerNet News Webcast Info

Monday, July 8
Become and Stay the Top Go-To Speaker
on Your Topic
with Shep Hyken, CSP, CPAE

Shep HykenEvery speaker, trainer, consultant and coach has competition. It’s rare to be *the* one that is at the top of the list when someone wants the services you provide. It’s not easy to get to that top spot, and it’s hard to stay there for years or even decades.

What can you do today to rise to the top? What daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly activities can you do to accelerate that climb? Which ones have the biggest payoff for your time and money?

Shep has worked hard to be one of the few at the top of his niche of Customer Experience. He’ll outline what he did to get there and how he stays there.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Questions to ask yourself now to enable you to climb to the top
  • The highest-payoff activities
  • How to identify who is worth nurturing and indications someone will never buy from you
  • Why you should consider doing original research and what it will do for you
  • How to quickly and easily make new content to post
  • How to effectively use social channels to build your fan base
Register for the live program or order the recording.
Note: Everyone who registers for the live webcast session or orders the recording will get a link to the recorded video of the online webcast, as well as the audio MP3 for convenient re-listening.

Date: Monday, July 8
Time: 7:00 pm Eastern, 6 pm Central, 5 pm Mountain, 4 pm Pacific
 (Enter your location here to get your local time)
Length: 60 minutes
Cost: $49 (webcast)

Special Limited-Time Offer:

If you would like more of Shep’s wisdom for building a profitable speaking business, we’re suggesting the recordings of several earlier programs to complement this program:

  • “Little Things That Have a Big Payoff: Secrets to Making Real Money in the Speaking and Consulting Business” with Shep Hyken, CSP, CPAE
  • “Using Podcasts to Attract New Customers” with Shep Hyken, CSP, CPAE

With your order of this live or recorded session, at checkout you will be offered these recordings.

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