SpeakerNet News Intensives

Capitalize on Your Uniqueness

The Program:

Everyone wants more and better-paying engagements. Yet the market is crowded with good speakers, trainers, and consultants competing for the same jobs. Even though you’re constantly improving, it seems hard to break into the next level.

How have highly successful speakers figured out their uniqueness and capitalized on it? These three experts will share their ideas on how to integrate into your presentations and marketing materials your background, your experience, your special talents, and your personality.

Mike Rayburn How to Get a Bazillion Bookings!
with Mike Rayburn, CSP, CPAE
Gina Barreca Use Your Humor as Your Brand: Make Your Speeches and Writing More Buzz-Worthy
with Gina Barreca, PhD
Terry Jones Morphing for Moolah: Positioning Your Practice for New Opportunities
with Terry Jones

How to order:

Get all three programs, in MP3 format, for only $34.


About the SNN Intensives Series:

Find out about other intensives we are offering.

SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions